While most months only have one June birthstone, those born in June are lucky enough to call the alexandrite, pearl, and moonstone all of their birthstones! With three unique backgrounds and designs, there is so much to learn about these birthstones. With that being said, here is everything you need to know about alexandrites, pearls, and moonstones!

While you may think you know a lot about pearls, alexandrites, and moonstones, even the biggest expert may not know about these upcoming facts.
Since pearls are made from marine oysters and freshwater mussels, they are the only gemstone to come from a living creature.
Since 1970, the moonstone is the official state gem of Florida. This happened to commemorate the Apollo 11 mission, which was launched in Florida.
In 1834, alexanderite were first discovered in Russia by mineralogist, Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld.
Since the creation of the first cultivated pearl in 1896, only 1% of pearls used in jewelry are natural. This is because cultivated pearls are more accessible and sustainable than natural pearls.
Moonstones are widely sourced and can be minded in Brazil, the United States, Madagascar, Australia, Mexico, Germany, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Tanzania, and India.
While the most common pearl is a cultivated pearl, pearls are available in other varieties. These varieties are Akoya, Freshwater, Tahitian, White, Golden South Seas, and Sea of Cortez Pearls.
Moonstones can be found in fewer varieties. The three most common variety of moonstones are Colorless Moonstones, Rainbow Moonstones, and True White. However, there are even less common varieties such as honey-colored moonstones, peppered moonstones, and peach-colored moonstones.
Alexandrite gemstones are known as ‘two-in-one gems’ as their color can transition from green to red depending on the light. Alexandrites can be found in green, brown, purple, orange, red, and yellow hues. Having said that, there are varieties such as lab-created alexandrites, Cats Eye and Star Alexandrite.
When it comes to durability, pearls are pretty fragile. These stones can scratch easily and break even easier. However, if you are gentle with your pearls and avoid wearing them during vigorous activity, then you should be fine.
Alexandrites, on the other hand, are tougher. These stones can handle being worn daily and are hard to scratch. For this, alexandrites make great engagement rings.
As for moonstones, they can be vulnerable to scratching and chipping. However, they are tougher than pearls and can be worn daily; if worn carefully.
To keep your stones looking their best, you should clean them at least once a week. All of these stones can be cleaned the same way. All you need is a mild unscented soap, water, and dry cloth.
Use soap and water to cleanse your stone gently. Afterward, dry it clean with your dry cloth. When cleaning your stone, remember to avoid using harsh chemicals such as bleach or acetone, as they can harm or even alter your stone.